2013 Grabado y Edición – Mokuhanga Renaissance by April Vollmer

Migrating Gyre #6, 2008, mokuhanga woodcut on washi, 26 x 26 inches

Grabado y Edición is a bi-lingual Spanish/English review of new ideas in printmaking. My article on the history of mokuhanga begins with an historical overview from ukioyo-e prints to the individualist sosaku printmakers, ending with a discussion of international contemporary artists who use the technique for its flexibility. Illustrated with woodblock prints by Katie Baldwin, Mike Lyon, Michael Schneider, and myself.

Article: GrabadoMokuhangaRenaissance
Subscription: Subscribe to Grabado y Edición

Author: adminapril

April Vollmer is a New York artist who studied mokuhanga after receiving her Master of Fine Arts in printmaking at Hunter College. Her work has been shown widely and she teaches Japanese woodblock regularly at the Lower East Side Printshop. She has participated in many residencies including the Nagasawa Art Park in Japan, and was on the board of the first and second International Mokuhanga Conferences. Her book "Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop" was released in 2015 by Watson-Guptill.